Lumban Gaol, Josua2013-03-132013-03-132013-03-13Muchtar Rahmat research based on high demand for sales package sold out by PT. Naifah Duta Utama Tour & Travel company. Besides the price comparison of tour packages between this company offered are not much different from the tour packages offered by other companies. But however PT. Naifah Duta Utama Tour & Travel were able to reach their selling target even better. It is interesting to examine about price and purcashing decision so that Price Influence To Purchasing Decision of Tour Package in PT. Naifah Duta Utama Tour & Travel were pointed to be the title of this research. Price is the only variable in marketing mixes that generate income to company. Price draw value to costumers also. Price can be divide into three indicators, amongs discount, allowance and geographical adjustment that each indicator have it own influence to costumer purchasing decision to buy a product. The influence are different from each indicators to costumer purchasing decision. This research aim to find influence of discount, allowance and geographical adjustment price to costumer purchasing decision to purchase tour package at PT. Naifah Duta Utama Tour & Travel either simultaneously or partially, whether to detect which indicator had most dominant influence toward to purchasing decision. Quantitive research approaching method implemented in this research. 67 samples were used by implementing census sampling technique. Questioner, interview and documentation are the method that researcher used to collect data. Research instrument were tested by validity and realibility testing. Multiple linear regression and classic assumption test were used to analyze data. To test hypothesis uses F test and T test. According to analyze result describe that discount indicator, allowance and geographical adjustment price draw no influence to consumen purchase decision significantly which seen by comparing the number of Fcount < Ttable (2,153<2,740) eather signification value 0,102>0,05. Whereas partially that geographical adjustment price (X3) dominantly affecting to costumer purchasing decision with Tcount value 2,375>2. To another indicators shows that Tcount value are smaller than Ttable thus it can be concluded that discount (X1) and allowance (X2) indicators draw no influence to consumen purchase decision (Y).otherPricePurchase DecisionTour PackagePENGARUH HARGA TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PAKET WISATA PADA PT. NAIFAH DUTA UTAMA TOUR & TRAVELstudent Paper Post Degree