Ariani, Mutia2013-07-152013-07-152013-07-15 purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between intensity of using social networking and adolescent sleep quality. This research was done in SMAN 3 Siak Kec. Sungai Apit, Kab. Siak Sri Indrapura. This is a descriptive correlative research with a cross-sectional approach. There are 85 samples taken using stratified random sampling technique. Questionnaire is used to measure the relationship along with univariate and bivariate analysis. The result test shows that adolescent who used social networking with low intensity (29 respondent, 69%) and high intensity (28 respondent, 65,1%) have good sleep quality. The result of chi-square test showed there is no significant relationship between the sleep quality and social networking use intensity, p value=0,700 (pvalue>0,05). It is recommended for adolescent, parents and school as a control from adolescent activity, to more decrease the intensity of using social networking and use that for fun activities and communication without disturb their sleep and studying periodes.enAdolescentsleep qualitysocial networking use intensityHUBUNGAN INTENSITAS PENGGUNAAN JEJARING SOSIAL TERHADAP KUALITAS TIDUR REMAJA DI SMAN 3 SIAKOther