Mulyanto, Ruis2013-08-272013-08-272013-08-27Muchtar Rahmat the present time,the advances in technology and knowledge to grow very rapidly,especially in the field of technology industry.It current developments in the increasingly perceived many benefits of life in the case of adoption of human being.Especially workforce competition and reliable in that rolewith him to produce something better.Thread of products for enterprises who at this moment is this globalization eras.In another hand economic compettion drives around the potention.Its direct enterprises archieve that to archieve with the resources that have the capability and the right side. Inter Pan Pasifik Futures is part of the Inter Pan Group Company that has been known by a variety of business,finance,developers,manufacturing,international trade since 1989.Their office locatedat Jakarta,Surabaya,Medan,Makassar,Solo,Banda Aceh,Pontianak,and the last is Pekanbaru. With a focus oninvestment product such as forex,index,and gold,which is supported by the use of the internet asa pathway transaction cost compare with using the usual phone media in the era of early 1990-2000.And then,with supported by professional in their field,PT.Inter Pan Pasifik Futures become one of the best global compny and financial services.otherAnalysisImplementationRecruitmentANALISIS PELAKSANAAN REKRUTMEN (STUDI PADA PT.INTER PAN PASIFIK FUTURES CABANG PEKANBARU)student Paper Post Degree