Fitra Adhitya, Bayu2013-01-072013-01-072013-01-07sumarni research was conducted in July 2012 in Kuala Kampar district, Pelalawan, Riau province, especially in Desa Teluk. The aim of this research is to determine whether this technology environmentally friendly or not. Beside the feasibility of this business. The method used in this study is a survey. Stow net is a environmentally friendly fishing gear based on FAO analysis criteria. The results from criteria analysis weighting of 23,6 from maximum value 36. Number of responden are 10 the fishermen. The results of calculations in which the feasibility of investing Rp. 15.250.000, the production cost of Rp. 11,793,000, gross income of Rp. 21,333,800, net income 9.540.800/Year. Benefit Cost Ratio 1.8, Financial Rate of Return 62.5%, and Payback Period of Capital is required for 1 year 6 months.otherStow netenvironmentally friendlyfeasibilityDesa TelukSTUDI TEKNOLOGI PENANGKAPAN PENGERIH DI DESA TELUK KECAMATAN KUALA KAMPAR KABUPATEN PELALAWAN PROVINSI RIAUArticle