Maheta, Gema2022-11-142022-11-142022-07PerpustakaanElfitra synthesis of microwave-assisted ZnO nanoparticles at a power of 540 Watts has been successfully carried out. The formation of ZnO was prepared using a biosynthesis method with Matoa leaf extract. In this study, ZnO samples were analyzed for their optical absorption properties and crystal structure. The results of UV-Vis spectrophotometry analysis showed that there was an absorbance peak in the range of 300-800. Crystal structure analysis on XRD described seven characteristic peaks with a wurtzite crystal structure where the highest peak was in the plane (101). This ZnO sample has the potential to be applied as a photocatalyst or solar cell material.enmatoa leafZnOabsorptionstructureSTUDI SIFAT OPTIK DAN STRUKTUR KRISTAL NANOPARTIKEL SENG OKSIDA EKSTRAK DAUN MATOA DENGAN BANTUAN GELOMBANG MIKROArticle