Qomairah, Annisa2024-02-232024-02-232023-11PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/11317PT. AJB, a company that operates in the transportation rental sector and a company that collaborates with companies in the mining sector. This company has also started with 9 companies. Continuity of business partners is determined by several criteria such as timeliness of payments, number of transactions, responsibility and company image. PT. AJB currently determines the fate of business partners just by looking at transportation reports. The assessment is only subjective, so it is only based on company observations. This can make the assessment of business partners uneven and less effective. A computer-based system that is used to make decisions can make it easier to determine the continuation of business partners and eliminates the need for discussions. The method used is the Fuzzy MADM Weighted Product method. The research results show that with = 0.1394 is the highest rating so that the alternative is considered the best and is recommended as a continuing business partner.enPT. AJBDecision Support System (DSS)Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision MakingWeighted ProductSISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PENENTUAN KELANJUTAN MTRA BISNIS PADA PT. AJB MENGGUNAKAN FUZZY MADM METODE WEIGHTED PRODUCTElfitraArticle