Ilham, IlhamAmri, AmunAnita, Sofia2020-11-262020-11-262019-11978-60251349-1-3wahyu sari yeni produced water (PW) is wastewater generated from the extraction of oil and gas production. The PW from Minas oilfiledis around 13.5 million m3 per day and contains metals thatare boron (B) = 7,46±0,13 mg/L as B3+and barium (Ba) = 1,43±0,11 mg/Las Ba2+. Both metal contents are over the quality standards according to PP. No. 82 in 2001 (max. 1,00 mg/L). PW is a potential source to supply the water needs of the society in Minas District. So that PW can be utilized, it needs an effective treatment method to reduce of B and Ba contents by adsorption. The natural adsorbents are used to adsorb and more available in nature are rice husk (RH), commercial charcoal (CC) and bentonite clay (BC). The present study was aimed at the reduction of B and Bain Minas oilfield PW using RH, CC, and BC as adsorbents via batch process. Variable applied were adsorbent dosage (1, 5, 10, and 20%w/v) and cantact time (3, 12, 24, and 48 hours). The optimum result was exhibited by adsorption process using CC with dosage = 20%w/v and detention time of 3 hours which reduced B up to 96,2% and Ba = 99,3%. Through this process, the PW after treatment containedB = 0,28±0,02 mg/L as B3+and Ba = 0,01±0,01 mg/L as Ba2+. According to PP. No. 82 in 2001, the B and Ba in the PW after adsorption process is lower than 1,00 mg/L (Class I). It is concluded the PW after adsorption treatment can be used as raw material for drinking water and other usages.enAdsorptionBariumBoronNatural AdsorbentsProduced WaterPENGOLAHAN AIR TERPRODUKSI MIGAS DI KECAMATAN MINAS BERBASIS ADSORBSI LOGAM BORON DAN BARIUM MENGGUNAKAN ADSORBEN ALAMIArticle