Wijaya, Harits Ari2023-07-252023-07-252023-05PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/11064The value of magnetic susceptibility and variation of composition and size of iron oxide particles from natural sand collected from Rokan River Riau Province have been investigated by ball milling.The results show that the value of magnetic susceptibility increase with increasing ball milling rotation time, namely from 11349.9 in BM 1, to 12385.6 in BM 2A, 13369.5 in BM 2B; and 14526,2 on BM 2C respectively. Likewise with the test results using X-Ray Fluorescence which showed that the magnetic element, namely Fe, experienced an increase in the proportion from 48.141% for BM 1 to 50.358% for BM 2A, 51.586% for BM 2B and 52.239% for BM 2C respectively. The test results using a Scanning Electron Microscope show that the average sample particle size decrease from 120,14 nm to 113,66 nm; 105,02 nm; and 95,68 nm as the milling time increasesensandball millingmagnetic susceptibilityANALISA KOMPOSISI DAN UKURAN PARTIKEL OKSIDA BESI DI PREPARASI BALL MILLING DUA TAHAPArticle