Dwijayanti, Hesti Okta2022-01-172022-01-172021-07wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10403Department of Communication, Informatics, and Statistics (DISKOMINFOTIK) Riau Province has an e-office application to support the existing administrative process. Eoffice applications are designed and developed by the division of Applications and Informatics. In the process of managing incidents and problems that occur against this application, there is an escalation flow that has not been well defined and has never been done to evaluate maturity level measurement before, so it is necessary to measure the level of maturity in this e-office application. This research focused on measurements using Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Version 3 framework on the subdomain of incident management and problem management. Based on the results of measurements, the maturity level of each subdomain got a score of 2,646 and 3,280, the score showed that both subdomain's activities are at level 3 (defined). With the expected maturity at level 5 (optimized), it is necessary to provide recommendations that will support the process of increasing the maturity of both subdomains in e-office applicationsenE-officeMaturity LevelITIL Versi 3Incident ManagementProblem managementEVALUASI APLIKASI E-OFFICE DISKOMINFOTIK PROVINSI RIAU MENGGUNAKAN FRAMEWORK INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE LIBRARY (ITIL)Article