Nazriani, Elvyra Husni2013-03-132013-03-132013-03-13Muchtar Rahmat are one of the most important in the production of an enterprise, regardless of how difficult they are to achieve the company's goals.The placement is the process of giving the task to the workforce and work carried out in accordance predefined scope. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of the placement of employees at PT. Romi Patria Sandalwood Pekanbaru. The research was conducted at PT. Romi Patria sandalwood Pekanbaru on transportation division / heavy equipment headquartered in Building Surya Dumai Jalan Sudirman Pekanbaru. The population in this study were employees of PT. Romi Patria sandalwood Pekanbaru as 115 employees. Determination of the total sample of 53 people who are members of the second division at PT. Romi Patria Sandalwood Pekanbaru. Based on respondents' answers to the placement of the employee in PT. Romi Patria sandalwood Pekanbaru category quite well because of the five indicators of well researched only 2 and 3 pretty good. So we can conclude the overall implementation of the placement of the PT. Romi Patria sandalwood Pekanbaru assessed respondents are either due to an agreement between the implementation of the placement of employees with the needs of the position, knowledge, skills, abilities and personality of the employee.otherImplementationPlacementEmployeeANALISIS PELAKSANAAN PENEMPATAN KARYAWAN (KASUS PADA PT.ROMI PATRIA CENDANA PEKANBARUstudent Paper Post Degree