Sugianto, Edi2013-07-052013-07-052013-07-05 study departs from the existing problems seen lower sales productivity PT.Interyasa Sedaya Pekanbaru marketing division. The low sales of the products offered by the company are seen from tiadak ditetapakan achievement of sales targets by the company, and also the presence of anxiety and restlessness employees especially the sales force in the work because of the sanctions given to them when the target is not reached, a termination working relationship. The purpose of this study is to determine the incentives and productivity as well as the relationship of incentives in an effort to improve employee productivity in the marketing division of Federal International PT.Interyasa Sedaya Pekanbaru. This study analyzed the data using descriptive quantitative analysis and has been proposed to address hipotesisyang performed statistical analysis using simple linear regression. Results of this study concluded that the overall incentive is considered to be good and overall employee productivity was considered good. Based on the analysis of data through statistical analysis can be seen that the independent variable (incentive) has a strong relationship to the dependent variable (productivity). Independent variable (incentive) and a significant positive impact on the dependent variable (productivity), so that when the independent variable increased, it will cause an increase in the dependet variable.otherIncentivesProductivityEmployeeHUBUNGAN PEMBERIAN INSENTIF DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN PRODUKTIVITAS KERJA KARYAWAN DIVISI MARKETING PADA PT.INTERYASA SEDAYA PEKAN BARUstudent Paper Post Degree