Morena, YenitaJoleha2014-02-252014-02-252014-02-250852-0585wahyu sari yeni of rice field exist in hill rice field farm of Suligi did not get irrigation water. This made there was not production and changing it function became cultivation of palawija and vegetable. The aim of this research is to calculate discharge required by rice field farm in twice a period of planting, comparing required discharge with discharge exist in field, planning channel dimension pursuant to required discharge. The results of this study were discharge the required was 0.124M/sec and 0.122 m3/ sec for available discharge. While dimension of tertiary channel is cross section area, base width and water depth, side slope control section are 0.4297 m2, 0.46 m, 0,46 m, and m = 1,respectively.endischargedimensionirrigationANALISA SALURAN SEKUNDER DAERAH IRIGASI SEI TIBUN DESA PADANG MUTUNG, KAMPARUR-Scientific Work Lecturer