ErmiyatiNovan, Andre2014-02-062014-02-062014-02-061693-9573wahyu sari yeni simplify the job or the workability of a liquid jet black color and can reduce the water in the concrete mix to 30%, to produce concrete of good quality while maintaining the quality of concrete sikament chemical ingredients added-NN issued by PT. SIKA with allowed dose 0.6% -1.5 % and can boost the concrete compressive strength. This research used NN sikament as an ingredient added to the concrete mixture of 0%, 1.1%, 12 %, 13%, 14% and 1.5% wight of comment with 20% water reduction, which aims to determine the optimum compressive strength with the addition of several variation of the percentage sikament NN and its influene on wordkability concrete. Test specimens used werw cylindrers with a diameter of 150 mm and height of 300m. tests done after the concrete was 28 days. The test result obtained good workability obtained at persentase 1.4% that is equal to 55 mm, whereas the heigest percentage of 1.5 % obtained in the NN Sikament of 130 mm.enSihiment-NNworkabilitycompressive strengthconcreteKUAT TEKAN BETON DENGAN BAHAN TAMBAH SIKAMENT NN -DAN AGREGAT DARI DESA RANAH KECAMATAN KAMPARUR-Scientific Work Lecturer