ArmisKesumawati, Metra2014-02-182014-02-182014-02-181411-3571wahyu sari yeni research aims to improve mathematics learning in class IV SDN 017 Charming Pekanbaru. Variables examined were: (1) activities of teachers and students in the learning process: (2) the value of students' progress, and (3) mastery of mathematics student learning outcomes. Actions carried out in two cycles. Based on data analysis that: (1) the activities of teachers and students in the learning process the longer the better, (2) the value of students' progress was almost the same in the two cycles, and (3) students who achieve mastery learning (65%) before execution measures just 22%, after one cycle increased to 53%, and after two cycles of mastery learning of students increased to 86%.enpendekatan laboratorium minipembelajaran kooperadf ripe STADproses pembelalaran matematikaPENDEKATAN LABORATORIUM MINI DALAM PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPE STAD UNTUK MEMPERBAIKI PROSES PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA DI SDN 017 TAMPAN PEKANBARUUR-Scientific Work Lecturer