Lestari, Defy Indah2022-07-182022-07-182022-01PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10562Exopolysaccharides (EPS) are secondary metabolites produced by microorganisms, EPS is produced by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) under unfavorable conditions. The purposes of this study were to select LAB capable of producing EPS and to determine the optimal time, temperature, and medium required by LAB to produce EPS. This study used 5 isolates, JN2, JN5, JN6, S3PP8, and S3PP12. In the selection stage of LAB producing EPS in 2% skim milk liquid media, the five isolates did not produce EPS. Selection results using MRSA added with sucrose showed that 1 isolate (JN6) produced mucoid EPS, while 4 isolates (JN2, JN5, S3PP8 and S3PP12) produced mucoid and ropy type EPS. EPS production test of S3PP12 isolates on MRSB-glucose and MRSB-sucrose medium showed that LAB could not produce EPS.enExopolysaccharideLactic Acid BacteriaOptimizationSecondary MetaboliteSELEKSI BAKTERI ASAM LAKTAT LOKAL PENGHASIL EKSOPOLISAKARIDA DAN OPTIMASI PRODUKSI PADA VARIASI SUHU, WAKTU INKUBASI SERTA MEDIUM FERMENTASIArticle