Gustiawan, AfdiTrikomara RianFauzi Manyuk2012-10-292012-10-292012-10-29rio andika development of urban areas need to be carefully planned, to maintain balance in the pattern of spatial development of an area. Optimization of spatial patterns and considering the potential and capability of an area can make the city will be able to grow and develop rapidly and may reduce the bad impact of development. The purpose of this research is to examine the growth rate of urban and land use changes on West Sidomulyo Village, Tampan district, Pekanbaru, Using Pedoman Perencanaan Lingkungan Pemukiman Kota, P.U and then compare the results with the urban spatial plan of Pekanbaru 2006, Building Permit Data from City Planning Service of Pekanbaru and population data of West Sidomulyo from 2006 to 2010. The result indicate that Base Coverage in the West Sidomulyo still much to deviate from urban spatial plan of Pekanbaru 2006. Every year, 45% of building have Base Coverage that do not fit with the Base Coverage permit. For the Floor Area Ratio and tall of building overall suitable with the spatial plan of Pekanbaru. For the number of public facilities and social facilities on the West Sidomulyo from 2006-2010 overall been able to serve the needs of the entire population on the area.otherUrban Spatial PlanBuilding Permit DataBase CoverageFloor Area RatioTall of BuildingANALISA PERTUMBUHAN KOTA DAN PERUBAHAN FUNGSI LAHAN DI KELURAHAN SIDOMULYO BARAT, PEKANBARUArticle