ArdianArmainiGerniwati, Debi Fitria2014-02-142014-02-142014-02-14978-979-25-1264-9wahyu sari yeni (Brassica chinensis chinensis The Var) are the vegetables that contain vitamins and minerals. Needs caisim Pekanbaru in Riau particularly increased, along with the increase in population. For the consumer society and knowledge of vegetables with high incomes, tend to selectively choose vegetables that are hygienically protected from chemical residues. The use of organic fertilizer or compost can produce organic vegetables is more hygienic, safe for the consumer and environmentally friendly. Compost can be made from plants that are less beneficial, one water hyacinth. The purpose of this study, to determine the effect of the use of organic fertilizers with various bioactivator hyacinth, on the growth and production caisim. The research was carried out experimentally by using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) factorial, comprising: first factor fhe use of compost (K) with various bioactivator namely K0: hyacinth compost without microbes, K1: Compost of water hyacinth with microbial degradation Simba. K2: Compost of water hyacinth with microbial EM- 4. The second factor is the provision of inorganic fertilizer (A) consisfs of three levels: A0: Without inorganic fertilizers, A1:1/2 the recommended dosage which, urea, 37.5 kg / ha, SP-36 37.5 kg / ha and 25kg KCI / ha , A2: the recommended dosage, Urea 75 kg / ha, SP-36 75 kg / ha and 50 kg KCI / ha. The results showed that treatment K2A1 with water hyacinth compost activator Bioaktivator EM4 with 1/2 recommended doses of inorganic fertilizer showed the highest production with a weight of 298 grams of fresh plants / plot.encompost of water hyacinthbioaktivator Degrasimba dan EM-4APPICATION OF COMPOST OF WATER HYACINTH AND INORGANIC FERTILIZER PLANT ON CAISIM (Brassica chinensis Var Para chinensis)UR-Scientific Work Lecturer