Handayani, Imelza Rizka2013-08-272013-08-272013-08-27MUCHTAR RAHMAThttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/5066This research describes the diplomatic relations between Turkey and Armenia. Especially about the reconciliation between Turkey and Armenia to create a protocol on the establishment of diplomatic relation between Turkey and Armenia. Motivation and interest of Turkey deal to create reconcile diplomatic relations with Armenia and also describes changes in the Turkish administration's foreign policy under AKP leadership and also describe approved a protocol to reconcile the relationship between Turkey and Armenia. The writer collects data from books, encyclopedia, journal, massa media and websites to analyze the agreement between Turkey and Armenia to create a protocol on the establishment of diplomatic relations zone. The theories applied in this research are making decision theory from William D. Coplin and influence concept from Alvin Z. Rubinstain. The conclution of this research are the interest of Turkey make a reconciliation relations between Turkey and Armenia to create protocol on the establishment of diplomatic relation between Turkey and Armenia to increase Turkey’s political capabilities in Caucasus regionotherReconciliation,Foreign Policy,Influence Concept,Caucasus Region.REKONSILIASI HUBUNGAN DIPLOMATIK TURKI-ARMENIA TAHUN 2009student Paper Post Degree