Dinanti, Rahma2013-03-132013-03-132013-03-13wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/2537The principle of the presence of the accused in a criminal case is based on the defendant's rights as a human being has the right to defend themselves and defend the rights of liberty, his property or his honor. However, in some cases criminal, the principle of the presence of the accused in court can be ruled out. Judge possible to prosecute and punish the accused is not present the hearing. The trial is known as trial in absentia (trial in absentia). In terms of human rights, the investigation at the trial in absentia as if not giving an opportunity to the accused to defend himself so that was less than fair. Therefore, the need to protected rights of the accused because the accused is a man who still have their rights respected.enProtectionRight Of The AccusedTrial In AbsentiaPERLINDUNGAN HAK-HAK TERDAKWA DALAM PERADILAN IN ABSENTIA DI INDONESIA