ArmisSuanto, Elfis2014-02-182014-02-182014-02-181411-3570wahyu sari yeni purpose of this research is to repair the learning process of mathematics at Differencial Equations. The variables which have been examined (1) the activities lecturer and students in learning process, (2) the development of student grades, and (3) the completeness student result in studying Differencial Equations . This actions have been done in three cycles based on data's analysis, we can get the result (1) the activities lecturer and students in learning process have improved, (2) the development of student grades is rather the same in three of the cycles, and (3) the student who could reach the studying completely. After first cycle, has increased become 76,'4%, and after second cycle, the completeness of studying has increased become 77,43%, and after third cycle the completeness of studying has increased become 81,52%.enkonstruktivismeproses pembelajaranPENERAPAN PENDEKATAN KONTRUKTIVISME DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PERSAMAAN DIFERENSIAL PADA MAHASISWA PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN MATEMATIKA PMIPA FKIP UNRIUR-Scientific Work Lecturer