Andiny, Bevi AstikaYonariza, YonarizaMahdi, Mahdi2018-09-052018-09-052018-09-05978-602-61361-2-1wahyu sari yeni Koto Panjang hydro electric power plant (HEPP) faces the threat of decreasing stability of water supply and the increasing sedimentation resulting from unsustainable farming in the catchment area in Nagari Muaro Sungai Lolo. This study aims to identify land ownership in the catchment area and what is possible transaction between land ownership and environmental service from willingness to accept (WTA). The study showed the willingness to maintain forest in the upstream through agroforestry. Agroforestry model can be compensated base on land ownership communally. Therefore, consideration and more detailed data are needed to establish cooperation in PES by involving indigenous peoples and their organizational structureencacthmentland ownershipPESTransaction Between Land Ownership And Environmental Service For Catchment Area In Nagari Muaro Sungai LoloArticle