Fitri, Khairunnisa UlElvyra, RozaRoslim, Dewi Indriyani2016-01-282016-01-282016-01-28wahyu sari yeni danau fish (Ompok hypophthalmus) is one of the fish which inhabit the floodplain river. Genetic information on Ompok hypophthalmus is still limited. This research aims to obtain total DNA of O. hypophthalmus and DNA fragment amplified from COX3 gene. Samples of ten O. hypophthalmus, retrieved from a floodplain river, Tapung River, were isolated using the isolation Kit. Purification of DNA has been done using Dneasy Blood and Tissue Kit from Qiagen. Total DNA was amplified using COX3 F1 and COX3 R1 primers which were designed using sequence of COX3 gene from Ictalurus punctatus (Genbank 2002). The result indicated that eight samples of total DNA were successfully isolated from ten of fish samples taken. Amplification of total DNA using primer COX3 F1 and COX3 R1 produces DNA fragments which sized 671 bp.enCOX3 geneDNA isolationOmpok hypophthalmusfloodplain riverTapung RiverISOLASI DAN AMPLIFIKASI FRAGMEN GEN COX3 PADA IKAN Ompok hypophthalmus (Bleeker 1846) DARI SUNGAI TAPUNG PROVINSI RIAUstudent Paper Post Degree