suganda, Regi2023-09-292023-09-292023-06PerpustakaanElfitra are renewable energy storage devices consisting of electrodes, electrolytes, current collectors and separators. Electrodes are one of the most important components in a supercapacitorbecause they are made of nanoscale materials that have a high surface area and porosity. This study used the leaves of the pandanus tectorius fiber with the addition of 10% and 15% carbon nanotubes with respective sample codes, namely DPD-0, DPD-10, and DPD-15. The manufacture of carbon electrodes was carried out by several processes, namely pra-carbonization process, chemical activation with KOH activator and addition of carbon nanotube, carbonization process using N2 gas at 600°C and physical activation using CO2 gas at 800°C. The highest density shrinkage value is owned by the DPD-15 sample, which is 56,28%. The DPD carbon electrode contains functional groups O-H, C-H, C≡C, C=C, C-O amd has a semicrystalline structure characterized by the presence of peaks (002) and (100) at angles of 24°-25° and 44°-45°. The nanofiber structure DPD-15 more than DPD-0 with a carbon element 78,32% and oksigen element 16,25%. Electrochemical analysis of supercapacitor cells using the Cycliv voltammetry and Galvanostatic Charge-Dischage methods with 1 M H2SO4 electrolyte resulted in the highest specific capacitance values belonging to the DPD-15 sample of 369,77 F/g and 321,33 F/g. Based on the physical and electrochemical properties of DPD biomass-based supercapacitor cell, the addition of carbon nanotube to the carbon matrix might improve the performance of supercapacitor cell electrodes.enPandanus tectoriusCarbon electrodesCarbon nanotubeSupercapacitorELEKTRODA KARBON AKTIF BERBAHAN DASAR BIOMASSA DAUN PANDAN DURI DENGAN PENAMBAHAN KARBON NANOTUBE UNTUK ELEKTRODA SUPERKAPASITORArticle