Susi, HendrianiMangapul, Sitanggang2014-11-082014-11-082014-11-08Dody of Training and Supervising to Ocupational Safety and Health (K3) and Work Performance of Employeer PT Truba Jaya Engineering in Pangkalan Kerinci.The objective research is to analyze the Influence of Training and Supervising to Ocupational Safety and Health (K3) and Work Performance. This research uses survey, sampling method and questioners as the tools in collecting the main data. This research is conducted in PT Truba Jaya Engineering, Pangkalan Kerinci To analyze data uses descriptive analyzis and correlation analyzis. This research shows these following results: there is significant correlation and positive between Training and Supervising to Ocupational Safety and Health (K3) and Work Performance Keywords: Training, Supervising, Ocupational Safety and Health (K3), Work PerformancePelatihanK3TrubaPengaruh Pelatihan Dan Pengawasan Terhadap Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) Dan Prestasi Karyawan PT Truba Jaya Engineering di Pangkalan KerinciUR-Scientific Work Lecturer