Ulfa, Fadhyllah2013-02-152013-02-152013-02-15Nickmatil Verdani Fitrihttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/2170The Use Of Retelling Technique In Procedure Text To Improve Speaking Ability Of The First Year StudentsThe aim of the study is to find out the effectiveness of retelling technique in improving students‟ speaking ability and to know how far this strategy can be used in improving the speaking ability of the students. The design of this paper is Classroom Action Research. The writer investigated the first level students of MTs Muhammadiyah 02 Pekanbaru in using of retelling technique in procedure text. The data of students‟ speaking were analyzed to see the progress after giving four-time treatments. The result revealed that the speaking ability of the students increased in some areas as shown by the improvements on their vocabulary and comprehensibility. After giving post-test at the end of the cycle, the writer found that there was an increasing on students‟ ability in speaking where the average score was 45.96 in pre-test with no students who reached the KKM (67) to 67.73. In post-test, 23 students or 76.67% of them could reach the KKM (67). In the treatment, the researcher found that 25 students reached average score. It means that 83.33% of them were interested in joining the lesson.en-USAction ResearchAbilitySpeakingRetelling TechniqueProcedure TextThe Use Of Retelling Technique In Procedure Text To Improve Speaking Ability Of The First Year Students Of Mts Muhammadiyah 02 Pekanbarustudent Paper Post Degree