Siagian, Aryadi2013-03-132013-03-132013-03-13Muchtar Rahmat study aimed to determine the effect of work environment on job satisfaction of employees In Angkasa Hotel Pekanbaru. Work environment as an independent variable (X) has been formulated by the company that supplies and facilities, the workplace, work atmosphere. While job satisfaction as the dependent variable (Y). study was conducted on all employees Pekanbaru Angkasa Hotel by 49 people. Dataobtainedfrom thequestionnaire andfurther processedand thentestedusing statistical analysissuch asa simplelinearregressionanalysis, t test, and correlation analysisanddeterminiasiusing SPSS17. The results showedthat thettestresults of hypothesis testing. tcount(4672)>ttable (1678). this suggeststhat the working environmentaffect the level ofjob satisfaction. The magnitude ofthe influence of environmenton job satisfactionof employeeskerjaionSpaceHotelPekanbaruis31.7%.otherThe equipmentsfacilitiesworking conditionPENGARUH LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KEPUASAN KERJA KARYAWAN PADA HOTEL ANGKASA PEKANBARUstudent Paper Post Degree