Marwanto2013-01-162013-01-162013-01-16sumarni research was conducted from February to October 2012 in the Laboratory of Fish Hatchery and Breeding Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of the HCG injection and ovaprim on ovulation and egg quality of katung (Pristolepis grooti). The research method used was completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments and two replications. The treatment in this study was P0 (NaCl 0.9% dose of 1 ml / kg body weight) P1 (HCG dose of 500 IU / kg body weight) P2 (HCG 1000 IU / kg body weight) P3 (ovaprim 0.5 ml / kg body weight) P4 (ovaprim 1 ml / kg body weight). The bast results showed that the injection of ovaprim 0.5 ml / kg body weight could generate a latent period of 6.55 hours, derelopmant of egg 6.3 mm diameter and egg maturation of 11%, while the highest number of eggs was treatment ovaprim 1 ml / kg body weight of fish generate 76 grains / gram.otherInjections ovaprimHCGOvulationPristolepis grootiThe effect of HCG injection and ovaprim towerd ovulation and egg quality of katung (Pristolepis grooti)student Paper Post Degree