Gimin2013-01-292013-01-292013-01-29Sahlan ILMIAH SISWA MELALUI PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN BERDASARKAN MASALAH PADA KONSEP PESAWAT SEDERHANAMODEL PEMBELAJARAN BERDASARKAN MASALAH PADA KONSEP PESAWAT SEDERHANA DIKELAS VIII. 6 SMPN 08 PEKANBARU G i m i n1, Zuhdi Ma’aruf 2 Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Riau ABSTRACT This study aimed to describe the scientific attitudes of students, through the application of learning based on the concept of a simple plane problems. Subjects in the study were 08 junior high school students of class VIII.6 Pekanbaru, Lesson year 2010/2011, which amounts to 10 people from 35 people, men and women's 5 people or 5 people that are the focus of observation 2 groups were selected at random from 7 groups there. Instrument data collection by observing the scientific attitude of students who appeared during the learning process takes place descriptive data analysis of the results showed that, the percentage of scientific attitude of students on average each meeting first, second and third was 74%, 84%, 95%, an increase that percentage of data obtained from the 5 aspects of scientific attitude of students was observed in three meetings to obtain the average is 84% with a high category. Thus the application of problem-based learning can be trained scientific attitude of students.otherscientific attitude of studentsproblem-based learningSIKAP ILMIAH SISWA MELALUI PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN BERDASARKAN MASALAH PADA KONSEP PESAWAT SEDERHANA DIKELAS VIII. 6 SMPN 08 PEKANBARUstudent Paper Post Degree