Nislawaty2016-01-132016-01-132016-01-132461-1069wahyu sari yeni is an infectious disease which is caused by worms filariasis and transmitted by various species of mosquitoes. The disease impacted on the decline in work productivity of patients, family burden and cause economic loss for patients as well state. One of the main strategies in implementing the elimination of filariasis is by cutting the transmission with mass treatment in endemic areas. This study aims to determine what factors are associated with compliance in Jaya Rokan Hilir Public Health Center area in 2014. This study used analytic survey research design with cross sectional approach. This study population of this study is as many as 2,352 people with a total sample size of 341 people by using systematic random sampling technique. Analysis of the data used univariate and bivariate analysis. The result showed no correlation between demographic characteristics and health education with filariasis drug compliance (p value = 0.774; p value = 0.095), whereas and a significant relationship between health workers with drug use filariasis (P Value = 0.049). It is expected that government, health professionals and the public to cooperate in order to increase filariasis drug compliance on a regular basis in order to reduce morbidity due to filariasis.enDemographyDrug Use Filariasis Health EducationHealth WorkersFactors Related To Filariasis Drug Compliance In Jaya Rokan Hilir Public Health Center Area In 2014UR-Proceedings