AnsharullahSadimantaraGusnawatyNurdinMaulidiyah2016-03-022016-03-022016-03-02978-979-792-512-3wahyu sari yeni objective of this research was to identify the need for skilled human resources and technology required for the development of cocoa in Southeast Sulawesi, to develop the potency of cocoa seed by increasing its added value through diversification of its processed products , and to assess the feasibility of establishing institutions of vocational education , either in the level of high school, community colleges or relevant courses at universities in the sub- region of Southeast Sulwesi corridor, in order to support the implementation of MP3EI activities in this region. In the long term, this study may be used as a model for the preparation of professional and skilled human resources, and for use of the appropriate technology in other areas in Indonesia . The research was conducted with a survey method, by using questionnaires and FGD (Focus Group Discussion) of the various parties involved, including the cocoa farmer groups, cocoa industry, the Department of Industry and Trade in the District/City/Provincial level, Department of Education and Culture in the District/City/Provincial level, Higher Education institutions in the region of Southeast Sulawesi corridor. Outcomes of this study were expected to be useful for planning the establishment of institutions of vocational education, both in high school and higher education levels. Referring to the policy direction in higher education, then the outcome of this study would provide input for the establishment of educational institutions in the form of Community College in District / City which producing cocoa, or in the form of a study program in the local university which were relevant with the presence of cocoa resources in the region.encocoa processingreadiness of human resourcesPemetaan Kesiapan Sumberdaya Manusia Dan Teknologi Dalam Pengembangan Industri Pengolahan Kakao Di Sub Koridor Sulawesi TenggaraMapping the Readiness of Human Resources and Technology in Developing the Cocoa Processing Industries in Southeast SulawesiUR-Proceedings