Suryawati, Evi2014-06-262014-06-262014-06-26078-602-19531-0-5wahyu sari yeni study is designed specifically to develop teaching materials of RANGKA Contextual Teaching and Learning based on Computer Assisted Instruction in Biology among secondary school students in Pekanbaru, Riau. In this study, contextual learning module was developed by applying RANGKA strategy which mainly involved Rumuskan (conclude), Amati (observe), Nyatakan (state), Gabungkan (Combine), Komunikasi (communicate) and Amalkan (implement) covers Organism Diversity topic. The implication of this research is towards the improvement of student’s motivation and achievement, innovation in teaching strategy, teacher training, Competency Based Curriculum implementation, and evaluation system. Such findings pattern provide empirical evidence the usefulness of contextual approach in Biology teaching and learningenPENGEMBANGAN BAHAN AJAR KONTEKSTUAL MODEL RANGKA BERBASIS KOMPUTER UNTUK PEMBELAJARAN BIOLOGIUR-Proceedings