Wahyuni Wildah, Sri2013-01-172013-01-172013-01-17Arbi Sahurihttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/1490Abstract Analysis titled Couple split on Regent and Vice Regent Period 2003 - 2008 in the District of Indragiri Hilir was written to determine the cause of the separation of couples local leaders in the district. Inhil in Election 2008 with the research took place in the district Inhil. In the era of regional autonomy, Regional Head elections ( Pilkada ) have are conducted directly. And government leaders often encountered couples split even compete at the end of the period of his leadership. This is a problem in this study. This research used theory dank rule on conflicts hadari nawawi . conflicts occur due to personal incompatibility differences in value systems, unclear boundaries - boundaries of authority and responsibility, and so forth. Making the elite in government involved in a conflict which will only weaken the position of the government. In this study authors used qualitative research methods who intend to seek the facts much - much to then be concluded. The type of data used in this study primary data obtained from interviews with informants who are considered to know a lot about the problems in care. There are also secondary data obtained from agencies involved in the research. Based on the findings in the district. Inhil, partner government leaders split up due to personal incompatibility, differences in value systems, differences in leadership style, and triggering political marketing competition evident in the 2008 elections. It can be seen that on Based Direct Election, General, Free, Confidential, Honest and Fair ( LUBER ) according to article 56 paragraph 1 of Law no. 32 of 2004, which involves the entire community, between the two heads of government (Regional Head and Deputy Head) Compete for the position of the previous period the Regional Head. so family unity government leaders can create an individual - each party can unite a mismatch between them. The competition between the incumbent partner often occur at this time. By using the theory of power (Deliar Noer) and conflict (Hadari Nawawi), This study is expected to be a suggestion or paradigm in choosing a partner government leaders that implementation of the administration to run as expected and integrity of the partner government leaders can stay awake.otherPerpecahanPasangan Pemimpin PemerintahanIndragiri HilirANALISA TENTANG PERPECAHAN PASANGAN BUPATI DAN WAKIL BUPATI PERIODE 2003 – 2008 DI KABUPATEN INDRAGIRI HILIRstudent Paper Post Degree