Lubis, Evawani ElysaRumyeni2015-01-292015-01-292015-01-29978-979-792-332-7wahyu sari yeni literacy rn the context of thrs study is defrned as accessibil rty and competencres rn usina the computer the rnternet. telecomunications. and electronrc medra.The arm of this study is to analyze accessibilrtv and level of media lite racy competencv amonq students of communication scrence department in R1au Province. Method of this researched was su rvev to 228 respondents from six communrcation scrence department in Rrau The resu lt of this reseach show that the level of accessibr lrty of media , spesrfically computer, rnternet, televrsron, radio and cellula r telephone rs significanly higher than fixed line telephone.The majorrty of respondents clarmed that they have advance comptency to useg computer (usrng mouse/keyboard, copyrnq frle, usrnq command 'copy, cut, paste', usrng touch screen and surfing internet. In contrast competency of creatinqweb site, installinq hardware and desrqn qraphic many respondents have low level (no skill and novice ). Furthermore. competencres like use spreadsheet. chanae prrnter ink. use scanner. averaae responden have moderate level Otherwise. marorrtv of respondents claimed that thev have advance level of rnternet competencies (find information, chatting, download/upload file, music and vid eo, use media social) except play game onlineenMedia literacyAccessibility CompetenceLevel of Media Literacy: Competence and Accessibility of Media Among Students of Communication Science in Riau ProvinceUR-Proceedings