Humairoh, Hanifah2022-06-142022-06-142021-12PerpustakaanElfitra is a group of gram-positive bacteria that produce various secondary metabolites and generally live in the soil, especially in the rhizosphere of plants including Sandoricum koetjape. This study aimed to isolate and characterize rhizosphere actinomycetes from S. koetjape plants. Soil samples were collected from the plant rhizosphere, then diluted and inoculated by pour plate on SCA media. The actinomycetes isolates obtained were characterized. The results showed that, seven isolates of actinomycetes had circular and irregular colony shapes. The edges of the colonies were serrate, entire, and undulate. Colony elevation could be raised, umbonate, convex and flat. In addition, various color of the colonies were white, cream and gray.enActinomycetesCharacterizationRhizosphereISOLASI DAN KARAKTERISASI AKTINOMISETES RIZOSFER DARI TANAMAN SENTUL (Sandoricum koetjape (Burm.f.) Merr.)Article