Saputri, Dian Eka2023-04-102023-04-102023-01PerpustakaanElfitra is staple food for some regions the world including Indonesia. Weeds grown in rice fields interferes with rice plants since they compete with crops for nutrients. This study aimed to determine the structural analysis of weed composition in the rice fields in Mentayan Village, Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency. The experiment used quadratic method in two areas (area 1 and area 2). There were 10 plots per area with size of each plot was 5 m x 5 m and space between plots was 20 meters. The research results found 20 species from 10 families with a total of 839 individuals. The highest dominant value was 46.32 at area 1 and the lowest dominance was 0.7 at plot 2. The highest importance value index in area 1 and area 2 was Imperata cylindrica species with a respective value of 46.82% and 45.70%.enImportant value index species dominancerice plants in Mentayan Bengkalis VillageweedsKEANEKARAGAMAN GULMA DI LAHAN PERTANIAN TANAMAN PADI DESA MENTAYAN, KECAMATAN BANTAN, KABUPATEN BENGKALISArticle