Saputra, Deni2023-07-252023-07-252023-05PerpustakaanElfitra seeds (Durio zibethinus) are durian fruit waste which has active components in the form of protein and starch which can act as coagulant agents. This study aims to determine the biocoagulant performance of prepared durian seeds dry mill (DM) method of durian seeds in peat water TSS removal. Characterization of biocoagulants was carried out by determining protein content with the Kjeldahl test. Determination of the effectiveness of durian seed biocoagulant performance was carried out at a dose 1 g with variations in coagulation pH (3, 4, 5, 6 and 8). The protein content of the DM biocoagulant was 10.24%. TSS analysis results from various pH variations at a dose of 1 g have not been able to remove TSS from peat water. The TSS obtained did not meet PP No. 22 years 2021.enpeat waterbiocoagulantdurian seedstotal suspended solid (TSS)KINERJA BIOKOAGULAN BIJI DURIAN (Durio zibethinus) YANG DIPREPARASI SECARA PENGGILINGAN KERING (Dry mill) UNTUK PENYISIHAN TSS PADA AIR GAMBUTArticle