Hasbiyati, Ihda2012-11-132012-11-132012-11-12978-979-792-177-4wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/504This paper concerns the structure that can be achieved by feedbacl< in descriptoi systems without controllability at infinity. Ex = Ax + Bu y = Cx With system matrices EeC^",As C''",BE ^ C""^, state x = x(t)EC", input u = u(t)e C". The following that answers the question of when state feedback may be used to make a descriptor system regulerendescriptor systemontrollabilitynumerical methodREGULARISASI SISTEM DESKRIPTOR TANPA SIFAT TERKONTROL DI TAK HINGGA MELALUI STATE FEEDBACKArticle