Hernoni2013-04-152013-04-152013-04-15http://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/2846Hemorrhagic stroke is a desease caused by the rupture of artery in brain. This is multifarious, and one of them is caused by the low LDL cholesterol quality. The low of LDL cholesterol can weakened the endothelium and make the artery to be brittle. Potentially weakened endothelium maybe more susceptible to microaneurisms, the chief pathological finding of cerebral hemmorhagic. The objective of this study is to describe the LDL cholesterol levels in patients with hemorrhagic stroke that treated in Section Neurology Arifin Achmad Hospital Riau Province. Retrospective descriptive study was conducted on stroke patients treated in 2010-2012. LDL cholesterol levels of patients were assessed using standard NCEP / ATP III. Of 125 patients studied obtained some results which are cholesterol LDL levels low(5.6%), optimal (8%), near optimal (26.4%), borderline high (21.6%), high (19.2 %), very high (19.2%). Conclusion The studies, the incidence of hemorrhagic stroke more common in patients with LDL cholesterol levels near optimal.otherStroke hemorrhagicLDL cholesterolGAMBARAN KADAR KOLESTEROL LDL PADA PASIEN STROKE HEMORAGIK YANG DIRAWAT DI BAGIAN SARAF RSUD ARIFIN ACHMAD PROVINSI RIAU PERIODE TAHUN 2010-2012.