Verawati, Raja Yena2013-07-052013-07-052013-07-05Muchtar Rahmat of leadership coaching to government officials in the Department of Mines and Energy Privinsi Riau encountered the phenomenon of pre-research typically involves the leadership does not involve employees in decision-making, leadership in place that rarely lead to decreased employee discipline and the leadership of the government apratur there is no synergy between the interconnected each other. Based on the problems encountered in the research, the formulation of the problem is presented bagimana function of leadership coaching to government officials in the Department of Mines and Energy Privinsi Riau. While the purpose of this research is to investigate and analyze the function of leadership coaching to government officials in the Department of Mines and Energy Privinsi Riau. This study used population and samples taken are all employees of the Department of Mines and Energy of Riau as many as 111 employees. Of number of employees, then set sampling using only a sample of employee class IIIa up as many as 93 people. Thus, this study's sample of 93 respondents. While the nature of this research is to be presented in the form of quantitative descriptions are complete and detailed sentences. Once the data is analyzed and discussed with respect to theories or rules that govern them and obtained a conclusion by inductive way of a special nature that is headed to the general. Results of research conducted, it can be seen that the function of leadership coaching to government officials in the Department of Mines and Energy Riau Province majority of respondents stated they were quite good. Respondents said sufficiently good reason because the government has menggupayakan various ways to apply leadership but not optimal due to the many duties and responsibilities of leadership. Obstacles encountered in the development of the leadership function is the limited amount of funds held office so leadership must seek adequate funds available budget. In addition, human resources personnel are still lacking and should be developed which led to the leadership should pay more attention to employees who have a below average quality. Then the lack of government policies in providing education and training for their employees.otherDepartment Of MinesDevelopmentDisciplineFUNGSI PEMBINAAN PIMPINAN TERHADAP APARATUR PEMERINTAH DI DINAS PERTAMBANGAN DAN ENERGI PROVINSI RIAUstudent Paper Post Degree