Anggita, U.ItnawitaAnita, S.2014-03-272014-03-272014-03-27Rangga Dwijunanda PutraRangga Dwijunanda Putra products have become a necessity in all societies today. Pekanbaru is one of cosmetic marketing targets with various prices, types, and colours. The high price of a cosmetic product does not guarantee that the products are safe from heavy metal such as Cd which is harmful to consumers. Cadmium is usually used as dyes in the cosmetics. The aims of this study was to analyze and determine the concentration of Cd found in some types of cosmetics, i.e lipsticks, moisturizers and foundations with three various price levels marketing in Pekanbaru. The concentration of Cd in the cosmetic products were analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. The results showed that the concentrations of Cd were ranged between 0.12 to 0.75 µg /g. The concentrations of Cd detected in all samples were still in the permitted threshold, as suggested by the Indonesian BPOM No. HK. in 2011.otherAtomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS)kosmeticskadmiumESTIMASI KANDUNGAN KADMIUM DALAM PRODUK KOSMETIKOther