Ayusartifani, DwintaRosnita, RosnitaYulida, Roza2017-11-292017-11-292017-11-292302-4150wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/9094This study aims to determine the self-sufficiency of the farmers than seen from (1) it self-sufficiency to take a decision in selecting the kinds of commodities, (2) it self-sufficiency to take the decisions in the fulfillment of the means of production, (3) it self-sufficiency to take decisions in pricing, (4) it self-sufficiency in taking decisions of marketing. The research was conducted using survey method in the district of Kubu Rokan Hilir with a sample of 80 farmers were taken by purposive sampling of the total of swadaya pattern palm farmers that is numbering about 1515. Data were analyzed using Likert scale. The results showed that (1) farmers are already in self-sufficiency to take decisions in selecting the kinds of commodities, (2) farmers had just been self-sufficiency enough to take decisions in the fulfillment of the means of production because it is still supported by farm group, (3) Farmers are not able to make decisions on pricing, they are determined by the employer, (4) Farmers are not able to take decision in marketing, and (5) Averagely the self-sufficiency of swadaya patterns palm farmers are less sufficiency, in spite of good in choosing the type of commodity and quite good in the fulfillment of the means of production but in pricing and marketing decisions are less sufficiency. Farmer’ self-sufficiency to take the decisions in selecting the kinds of commodities categorized as “sufficiency” with a score of 3.4. Farmer’ self-sufficiency to take the decisions in the fulfillment of production facilities categorized as “quite good” with a score of 2.88. Farmer’ self-sufficiency to make decisions of pricing categorized as “quite helpless” with a score of 1.28. Farmer’ self-sufficiency to take decisions in marketing categorized as “quite helpless” with a score of 1.71.enself-sufficiencyPalm OilFacilities and MarketingAnalisis Kemandirian Petani Kelapa Sawit Pola SwadayaArticle