Muhammad, Aldi Al Akbar2023-03-022023-03-022022-12PerpustakaanElfitra system is one part of man-made intelligence that contains knowledge and experience that is entered by one or many experts into a particular field of knowledge, while the method used is the Bayes Theorem, which is a theorem with two different interpretations. In Bayes's interpretation, this theorem states how far the level of subjective trust must change rationally when there are new instructions. This research is conducted by scheme and making of an expert system used to assist to determine the diagnosa of any diseases which is preceded by main symptom of pregnancy diseases. Problems of uncertainty knowledge in this expert system is overcome by using Bayesian probability method. The process of diagnosing the patient diseases carried out in the consultancy session, will be preceded by the system raising the relevant questions to patient according to main symptom of natural by pregnancy diseases. The aim of this expert system is to help lay users to detect the onset of disease in the womb of pregnant women and provide possible treatment advice, but this system is not an absolute substitute for doctors.enBayes Theorem MethodDiagnoseExpert SystemPregnancy DiseaseAPLIKASI SISTEM PAKAR DIAGNOSA PENYAKIT KEHAMILAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE TEOREMA BAYES BERBASIS WEBArticle