Gunawan, Teuku Johar2018-03-012018-03-012018-03-01978-602-51349-0-6wahyu sari yeni warming has been an international concern due to its impact to environment. Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been a key measure of GHG (greenhouse gas) emission from anthropogenic activities such as from industrial emission. International efforts has been focused to reduce emission of these contributing gases. Indonesia as a developing country has growing energy demand as other developing countries. While energy is a vital requirement as part of development in Indonesia, at the same time this sector has been one of major emitter of anthropogenic CO2 in Indonesia and an update on emission of CO2 in this sector is needed. This paper analyze energy sector of power generation (electricity generation) within period of 2000 to 2015 in Indonesia and the emission of CO2 associated. The result is presented in term of temporal profile of power production with main focus on steam power plant type with various fuel consumed. It was found that within 15 years span under reviewed the focus of power generation is still heavily reliance on non renewable based fuel especially coal with average % increase within the period around 7 %. Associated emission was analyzed using emission factor method and the opportunity for reduction with biofixation was identified and discussed. The result of this review is a useful support for a baseline of economic valuation of CO2 biofixation using Chlorella pyrenoidosa later on.enGlobal warmingIndonesiapower generationCO2 emissionbiofixationEmisi Co2 Dari Sektor Pembangkit Daya Listrik Di Indonesia Dan Peluang ReduksinyaArticle