Khasanah, ArbiyantiSophia, HalidaSholeha, Novia Amalia2024-07-032024-07-032023-12PerpustakaanElfitra clay is a natural material that has potential as a base material for zeolite synthesis. The purpose of this study was to determine the character of zeolite as a result of synthesis with aging treatment by using variations in hydrothermal time. This synthesis of zeolite uses the alkaline hydrothermal fusion method with variations hydrothermal times of 12, 18, 20, 24, 36 and 48 hours at a temperature of 100°C. XRD analysis showed of zeolite that there was dominant highest peak, namely zeolite sodalite and the presence of a peak Y. Crystallinity and sodalite crytal size was 20.17; 19.24; 23.45; 19.18; 25.04; 14.83% and 97.30; 69.68; 97.30; 69.68; 53.95; 69.68 nm. The crystallinity and crystal size of zeolite Y was 4.72; 4.39; 4.01; 3.51; 3.02; 2.64 % and 49.72; 71.17; 62.21; 71.17; 41.49; 41.48 nm. Based on these results, it can be concluded that Maredan clay has potential to be used as based material for zeolite.enagingMaredan clayzeolitePENGARUH PERLAKUAN AGING PADA PREPARASI ZEOLIT BERBAHAN DASAR LEMPUNG MAREDAN TERAKTIVASI ALKALIArticle