Widuri, Fransiska2012-10-302012-10-302012-10-30http://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/326Penelitian tentang motivasi, minat dan hasil peserta didikABSTRACT The purpose of the study entitled "the effect of the interest and Motivation of the results of the Study of history in Grade VIII Latersia 2011/2012" is 1) to determine the influence of interest proceeds studied history at grade VIII JUNIOR Latersia TP 2011/2012, 2) to determine the influence of motivation against the results of the study of history in grade VIII Junior Latersia 2011/2012. The time this research was carried out for 6 months (August 2011 to January 2012). The population in this research is the whole grade VIII Latersia 2011/2012, with the number of students of 120 students, consisting of 67 students male and 53 female students. In this study, the researchers took samples of 30% from the subject class VIII. the sample in this study as many as 36 students in class VIII. Based on the presentation and analysis of data, then it can be concluded that the results of this research: 1) there is a significant positive correlation between interest (variable X) with the results of the study (variable Y) in class VIII Latersia 2011/2012. This is because rxy = 0,5687 located between the phosphorus – which means being korelasinya 0,700. so the alternative hypothesis (Ha) received. 2) Kolerasi between motivation (the variable X) with the results of the study (variable Y) in class VIII Latersia 2011/2012 is positive but rxy = 0,1802 lies between 0.00 – 0,200 which means korelasinya is very weak, because of the low, this is due to less diligent students face the task, less resilient, requiring a quick boost, satisfied with his achievements, less interest on various issues, are less able to defend their opinions, and less happy in solving the question of lessons.en-USInterest,MotivationLearning OutcomesPengaruh Minat dan Motivasi Terhadap Hasil Belajar Sejarah Pada Siswa Kelas Viii SMP Latersia Tp 2011/2012Article