Tobing, Lisa Dwipurnamasari2012-12-042012-12-042012-12-04yeni Drowning is an asphyxia death which is caused by fluid entry into the respiratory tract. Determination of diatom’s type can be used as support diagnostic to identify place where the victims drown. The aim of this descriptive research was to know the form, type, and abundance of diatoms in Kampar river at Teratak Buluh area. Samples were taken in five stations at the measured depth by secchi disk in research area. The stations were divided into three sub-sampling point (left side, center, and right side of the river). Samples were taken by using water sampler about 50 L and filtered by using planktonnet number 25. Filtered water samples were entered into sample bottle for 25 ml, given lugol as preservative, and taken to the laboratory to be analyzed. The examination of diatoms form and type was done by using binocular microscope and Masaharu and Yunfang identification book. The abundance of diatoms was counted with enumeration method randomly using the Sedgwick Rafter Counting Cell (SRCC).otherformtypeabundancediatomKampar river.GAMBARAN DIATOM DI PERAIRAN SUNGAI KAMPAR PADA KAWASAN TERATAK BULUH SEBAGAI PENUNJANG DIAGNOSIS IDENTIFIKASI TEMPAT KORBAN TENGGELAMArticle