HermanKurniawandy AlexErmiyati2013-04-222013-04-222013-04-22rio andikahttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/2964Paving block widely used in constructions, such as pavement, residential street, parking lot and many others. Easiness of installation, low cost maintenance, and beautiful aspect of it leads to more people prefer to use it, there are no set of standards to predict approximate age of paving block making it difficult for developer, contractor and owner to determine the compressive strength if it is not tested at age 28 days (more or less 28 days). Therefore, author conducted a study to test the compressive strength of paving block at age, 3,7,14,21,28,56, and 91 days, from this study we could know age factors value of amplify strength of paving block based on the increasing of paving block age. The study was conducted at “PT. Multi Guna Jaya Murah” with mixed composition obtained from proctor tests which conducted at “Laboratorium Teknologi Bahan Universitas Riau” the result of age factors value for paving blocks at age 3,7,14,21,28,56, and 91in sequences are 0 ,757; 0,837; 0,949; 0,986; 1.000; ,1,013; and 1,065 different with age factors value of a concrete are 0,400; 0,650; 0,880; 0,950; 1,000; 1,20; and 1,30.otherage factors valuecompressive strengthpaving blocksproctorANALISA FAKTOR UMUR PAVING BLOCKstudent Paper Post Degree