Aryani, NettiMardiah, AinulAzrita, AzritaSyandri, Hafrijal2018-02-132018-02-132018-02-131816-4927wahyu sari yeni barb (O. vittatus ) is a freshwater fish which have economic value. This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of oil enriched commercial feed on the survival and growth of O. vittatus . Methodology: Feed enriched with 9% of Shark Liver Oil (SLO), Fish Oil (FO), Corn Oil (CO) and Soybean Oil (SO) which had total fatty acid were 68.18, 86.57, 48.19 and 31.16%, respectively. The addition of different source of fat had influence on fatty acid composition of feed. The O. vittatus fingerlings performance was evaluated based on the survival and growth parameter. Results: Feed enriched with CO and SO obtained the lowest survival rate. The enrichment commercial feed with SO also displayed the lowest of weight, total length and percentage weight gain. Specific rate growth of O. vittatus fingerlings was highest with feed enriched with FO and SLO, followed by feed enrichment with CO and SO. Meanwhile, feed enrichment with SO produced the highest feed conversion ratio. Conclusion: Feed enriched with 9% of FO is good for survival, growth and feed conversion ratio of O. vittatus fingerlings.enOsteochilus vittatusfingerlingsnutritionsurvivalgrowthfeed conversion ratioEffects of Enrichment Commercial Feed with Different Fat Sources on Survival and Growth of Bonylip Barb (Osteochilus vittatus Cyprinidae) FingerlingsArticle