Septian Imar, Audi2012-12-042012-12-042012-12-03Arbi Sahuri Research want to know why many owner massage parlor didn’t have a license in his Operation in Pekanbaru. Its actually against the local regulation of Pekanbaru No. 7 Tahun 2000 about the Permission place of busines and mayor circular of Pekanbaru No. 503/BPT/175.a about Permission and operasional of massage parlor business. Altough it has been against the rules of Pekanbaru Government, but the fact this massage parlor who against the rules it still allowed to operation. This is caused by mechanisms permission place of business it takes a long time and complicated. Besides permission has a significance for Government, specifically to know a data about massage parlor in order to making appropriate policy for them and as a source income for Pekanbaru Government. This Research using a qualitative method, analysis techniques of research using a descriptive analysis. This research was conducted in integrated service agency of Pekanbaru, health department of Pekanbaru, Civil Service Police Force of Pekanbaru and message parlor around Pekanbaru with using key informan specified by snowball sampling technique. Primary data and secondary data research obtained from interview with informan and observation of the object research. Based on research findings can be seen that cause the massage parlor owner in Pekanbaru disposed didn’t have permission license because by coordinationand service of agencies have not been implemented well and there are many illegal massage parlor operation caused by less control from government such as directly control and intern control in agency, consequently abuse of authority was happen.otherIzinUsahaPanti PijatPROBLEMATIKA PERIZINAN USAHA PANTI PIJAT DI KOTA PEKANBARUArticle