Fauzi, RioErwinSalomo2013-03-052013-03-052013-03-05Rangga Dwijunanda Putrahttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/2437Quantum wire (nanowire) is a wire with nanometer size, where the movement of electrons inside the wire experiences hoping from one site to the next site. If the wire does not have impurities, the electron motion will be ballistic. However, as a matter of fact the creation of quantum wires can not be separated from impurities. In this paper a computer simulation program to fine the Eigen functions and Eigen energy of electrons in one-dimensional quantum wire without impurities was developed. The process of this simulation uses MATLAB version 7 program. Eigen functions and Eigen energy of electrons in a quantum wire can be computed by solving time independent Schrodinger equation. In this research, a computer program comprises of two programs, namely the program and the main program menu. A program menu is used to enter the input data that will be written in the data file. This program allows users to enter the data required in the calculation. The main program is a program used to calculate the Eigen functions and Eigen energy. Computer program to calculate Eigen function and Eigen energy of electron in quantum wire has been created and has been succeeded on the run, and the results are in accordance with the results of theoretical calculations. Eigen value for electron energy on n=1,2,3,4, and 5 obtained 0.0038eV; 0.0151eV; 0.0339eV; 0.0602eV; and 0.0941eV. so for the same n theoretical calculation results are 0.0038eV; 0.0151eV; 0.0339eV; 0.0602eV; and 0.0941eVotherQuantum wireEigen functionEigen energy and MatlabEIGEN FUNGSI DAN EIGEN ENERGI DARI ELEKTRON DALAM KAWAT KUATUM TANPA IMPURITASOther